Cigar SenseThe Cigar SommelierThe world of cigars is evolving, and the title of “cigar sommelier” carries more weight than ever before. The concept of “cigar sommelier”…Mar 1Mar 1
Cigar SenseSensory analysis, a misunderstood disciplineWhy do people confuse tastings with sensory analysis tests?Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Cigar SenseAroma standards for learning and marketingMany people ask us how to train to identify cigar aromas. A lot could be said on this very vast topic, however, for the purpose of this…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
Cigar SenseHow does a cigar’s construction affect off-flavors?A cigar’s mechanics, aka “construction”, include draw, combustion and ashes characteristics. They probably enable the most straight…Sep 6, 2019Sep 6, 2019
Cigar SenseAn intangible cultural heritageBusinesses who exhibited at the IPCPR 2019 have been busily posting about how successful they were in booking orders, while selfies with…Jul 11, 2019Jul 11, 2019
Cigar SenseOf Cigar Tasting : What Does The Term “Body” Mean?The term “body” is such a popular term and you would assume that when one says “this cigar is full-bodied”, whoever listens immediately…Aug 16, 2017Aug 16, 2017
Cigar SenseOf Cigar Tasting : The AromasAromas are a fundamental concept in the complexity of sensations that a fine cigar offers us.Aug 12, 2017Aug 12, 2017
Cigar SenseOf Cigar Tasting : The Organoleptic Characteristics“Organoleptic” are the cigar characteristics that can be perceived by our senses. The gustatory and retro-olfactory aspects being the most…Jun 10, 2017Jun 10, 2017
Cigar SenseOf Cigar Tasting : The Olfactory and Gustatory SensesThis article is part of our remit to share our knowledge on how to smoke, taste a cigar and enjoy it better.May 21, 2017May 21, 2017